Sunday, November 23, 2008

Had enough of waiting?

I know I have! So I sympathise with you.

I have now been informed the Libros boss didn't in fact bring the first copy back with him so appears I have misinformed you. I am sorry, I only repeated what I had been told.

I hope you will understand that I am now extremely reluctant to 'guess' how long it is going to take. This is a new experience for me as I am used to working to deadlines so I feel a bit 'wrong footed'. I will know better next time!

It will come out eventually I'm sure.

You have been so patient but if you have had enough and would like a full refund, please just drop me a note and I will arrange this.



Meg said...

Has your Publisher really got a printer yet

Meg said...

This was from The Boss

Looking at it realistically I would not expect all authors orders to be fulfilled this side of Christmas

Pete said...

Hello Cherry

Yes, the publisher has got a printer but Rachel's Shoe is new and they haven't got through the quality checks yet or got it listed. I hope there will be an update on this situation soon.

As for 'The Boss's' comments, if that is what he said it doesn't surprise me.

Buying,say from, you need to wait for Rachel's Shoe to be listed with them and initial stocks to be purchased by them. This can't happen until it finally gets through the quality check and is 'released'. The process may add a few weeks so you shouldn't order this way if you want to be sure to have it by Christmas.

It is also be possible to order directly from my website and short circuit this process. No promises about Christmas though until I know the release date for sure.

Thanks for your comments
