Friday, October 9, 2009

Surprise in Somerset!

Yesterday was an interesting one for me.

Firstly, I was approached by the organisers of Guernsey's Liberation Day celebrations for next year, the 65th anniversary, and asked if I would be a guest speaker at one of the events as well as do a reading from Rachel's Shoe in the marquee on the Albert Pier in St Peter Port.

I was, of course, delighted to accept the invitation and honoured to be asked.

Later in the day, I received an email from an old friend (and formally a boss of mine!) who suggested I make a surprise telephone call to his wife last night. Intrigued?

The reason was that her book club, based in the beautiful English County of Somerset, were all gathered at his home to discuss Rachel's Shoe having read it over the previous weeks. They hadn't anticipated a call from the author during their discussions and I'm both pleased and relieved to say it was a pleasant surprise!

But it is I who should be grateful as it was lovely to catch up with old friends and especially rewarding to know how much the club enjoyed my book.

Needless to say, the question of a sequel came up and I was happy to confirm that plans are in place!


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