2010 starts with a bang as the collaborative novel project concludes its creative phase and the sequel to Rachel's Shoe once more claims the lion's share of my writing time. I have been impatient to get back to the story and the many twists and turns I have in store.
However, there is still a great deal happening with the original as the award winning play writer Ron Blicq is working hard on the script at his home in Canada ready for submission as a TV serialisation. You can imagine, I'm sure, how I'm looking forward to reading the script.
I will, of course, keep you posted on the progress but in the meantime I thought you might like to know about one or two of the 'factional' threads in Rachel's Shoe. Did you know, for example, that the raid on the Casquets Lighthouse by British Commandos really did take place? Further, whilst authors often preface their story with a disclaimer about characters being fictional, Reiner was based upon a real person who worked in the kitchen of the Royal Hotel after the war and was believed to be ex-Gestapo.
Rachel's Shoe is full of accurate details but also includes a little artistic licence for the sake of the story - I'll leave you guessing what that might be!
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