The challenge will be to get as much writing done as possible before the summer months when 'Sea Spray' will be back in the water and competing for my attention.
Three chapters of the sequel to Rachel's Shoe are now complete and the story is developing as I would wish. I'm very conscious of the need to provide a story which strongly appeals to those who enjoyed Rachel's Shoe but at the same time to move on and introduce new characters. I also hope to strike the right balance between excitement and character depth in the story.
Without wishing to give too much away, there will be an intersting personal touch as I use Lihou island for part of my setting. Not too many authors have an island of the same name to include in their stories!
If you wish to keep track of the progress to find an agent or publisher for our collaborative novel 'Passage to Redemption', a website has been started but is still 'under construction'. Nevertheless you can see some of the deatils at http://www.passagetoredemption.com/ and don't forget to call in to http://www.rachelsshoe.com/ every so often will you?
Bye for now
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